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Confident Dental Laboratory Pvt Ltd
About Us
Digital Milling & Printing
Our Services
Katana Zirconia
Diamond zirconia Copings / Monolithic Crown & Bridge – Multi Layered and Multi Colored
Laser Printed Chrome Cobalt Coping
CONFI Aligners
Lithium Disilicate
PFM Restorations
Guided Implantology
Cast Partial Denture
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PFM Restorations
Say no to Crown and Bridge. Made of nickel chrome allergy, is corrosive and banned all over the world.
Say NO TO NICKEL in your dental crowns
Nickel sensitivity is common and increasing in prevalence among the human population.
Nickel was named as the contact allergen of the year in 2008
This allergy to nickel has serious health implications
These are then layered with high quality noritake porcelain
Our state of the art sophisticated SLM German machines produce 3D printed copings with perfect fit, precision, excellent margins and
uniform thickness
These copings are strong rigid and are guaranteed with a lifetime warranty
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