Confident Dental Laboratory Pvt Ltd

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Crown & Bridge

Crowns & Bridges offer excellent long-term stability with no allergenic potential.
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Long-Term Stability with No Allergic Potential

Lava Crowns & Bridges are among the most esthetically pleasing and clinically sound all-ceramic restorations available. Lava restorations offer excellent long-term stability with no allergenic potential. Milled from a pre-sintered Lava zirconia block, each framework is colored using one of eight VITA® shades. After sintering for 10 hours to gain strength and fracture resistance, the framework is layered with feldspathic Lava Ceram porcelain. The final Lava restoration demonstrates exceptional marginal fit, lifelike translucency and long-term durability.

Lava Plus zirconia restorations are available, as well. Emitting warm, natural colors from the center of the restoration, Lava Plus allows for unparalleled individualization through its translucent shading system, which features 18 colors and eight effect shades.